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Used Products:

  • Dior forever foundation 030 mixed with GOSH foundation drops 004
  • Consealed with Bobbi Brown  nr 3 beige foundation stick
  • Lancome Belle de teint liquid glow trio 
  • Bobbi Brown Pink Glow highlighting powder
  • Inglot pressed powder 13
  • Douglas Bronzing powder
M.A.C pro longwear paint pot - soft ochre ( base)
shades used: alchemy, warning, hatter, blindsaded, sketch, iced, paranoia, jones, goldmine, mean metamorphosis, hundred. :) Pretty much all palette! :)


Christian faye - dark brown
L'Oreal Paris - Brow artist designer - dark brunette

Este Lauder sumptious Extreme - exteme black
Lashes - 1/3 lengt INGLOT 89 N

LV: Šodienas grims, košs, jautrs, neikdienišķs un pamanāms. Tāds lūk mēsz būt make-up iznākums, kad ir iespēja spēlēties ar košu, un brīnumaini kvalitatīvu Urban Decay Full Spectrum paleti. Tās kuras lasa manu blogu, seko instagram vai nāk uz meistarklasēm gan zin, gan ir izmēģinājušas visas manas Naked paletes, kuras man ir neaizvietojami palīgi pucējot visas burvīgās dāmas svētkiem. Šī palete jebkuram kosmētikas mīļotājam var kļūt par vienīgo, izcilo palīgu, lai radītu maģiskus darbus, vai jebkuram, kam krāsas ir neatņemama ikdienas un grima daļa, BET tas nenozīmē, ka šī palete nederēs arī jebkuram, kurš sper pirmos soļus krāsaino ēnu pasaulē! :) ES esmu pilnīgi un viennozīmīgi Urban Decay acu ēnu fans! Un noteikti ikvienam iesaku investēt un atļauties kādu no lieliskajām paletēm! 

Todays make-up look is bright, fun, unordinary and visible. This happens when I have a chance to play with a vivid and super high quality Urban Decay Full Spectrum make-up palette. Those who read my blog, follow my instagram or attends my master classes has tried all of my Urban Decay Naked palletes :) I adore them and can't think how could I make my girls as pretty without the help of these eye shadow palettes. This Full Spectrum palette will be a super good helper as for the begginer as for the pro make-up artist. I'm a huge UD fan, and nobody will regret investing in at least one off the famous eye shadow palettes.

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