Waukegan Illinois is a city so bad and declining it doesn't know its lakefront from its gas station expressway ramps. The state of Illinois and the rest of the nation have gone full scale loco casinofication and recently a bill was passed allowing casino gambling and new ways for the struggling blue collar minorities in this town to go further and further into a debt-ridden spiral. Waukegan will be having a casino in order to give construction work for some connected cronies and allow more opportunities for the flow of money in and out more easily and undetectable for the
corrupted international connected classes. Illinois gangster Al Caponelisque fat meathead Governor JB Boss Hogg Pritzker had given the green light for another casino as Illinois and the Midwest is just fucking dotted with casinos and there is no need for further and Pritzker's allowances are primarily politically connected and the last thing this shit hole Waukegan needs is a gangster paradise. The outsourcing of manufacturing for these pathetic card and lame slot machines is something that has produced massive inequality and was intended to as most of the profits declared from Illinois casinos are likely as rigged as the gaming in these shit holes.

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