Guy Baldwin
RiverWest radio's Nik Kovac, who moonlights as a Milwaukee alderman, blasted the National Football league and the Miami Dolphnis organization for signing Jay Cutler the other day for ten million dollars a pop. The host of this alternative radio station in Milwaukee blasted the league for blackballing Colin Kapernick whose charade and stunts disrespecting the american flag and those who sacrificed their lives won the admiration of ultra-liberal retards like Mr Kovac.
Nik took to the airwaves saying Jay Cutler is a bum and the way these teams and leagues bend over backwards for white quarterbacks and players over controversial players shows the ingrained racism of the league. Kovak being a huge american football and Packer fan is personally offended more of Colin Kapernick being black-balled than the anti-american sit down antics of this clown Kapernick needing attention and protesting alleged police brutality knowing full-well his ass would get most for the attention than any perceived cause of people on the street facing harassment form heavy urban policing in dangerous neighborhoods.
Nik Kovak said on is afternoon sports and political propaganda little-listened to 50 watt station that Kapernick is ten time more talented than Jay Cutler, Tim Tebow, and Johnny Manziel combined yet those three quarterbacks will more likely be collecting million dollar paychecks to play in the NFL again and Kapernick will never because of his vocal stance to injustices. Kovak is not so much a fan per say of Colin Kapernick's pay ability as much as he respects and loves Colin's H rap brown routine. For alderman and radio host Nik Kovac Jay Cutler playing another season is nuts on him and if he doesnt like Cutler returning to the league that too bad so sad. At least Cutler will stand and not take a knee in the ultimate put down of the league and representation of it and is preciously why the shitty playing Colin Kapernk is not going to be playing this fall in the NFL.
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