Troy York
Mark Levin is an old prick on way too often the corporate air waves speaking the mouthpiece for the one percent wealth hoarders and tax avoiders. Mark Levin was incensed some months back when Ringly brothers Circus decided to end their Elephant act s and torture handling for the amusement of stable American families with incomes to burn and waste on entertainment. This really angered Mark Levin on the air and with this in mind I heartily tried to find some dialogue of his program in him ranting on Sea World's decision to end breeding of Killer Whales and penning them in a small habitat so a few trainers, handlers, and executives could make some mucho dinero from the poor whales confinement. they practically starve these big beasts in order to get them to compel and do a few tricks and idiots who want these Orca shows need to realize that killer Whales are not dogs. A Mark Levin likely would of been angered and maybe mentioned this on recent programming complaining about liberals ad public pressure created against this as some sort of agenda to deprive this creep and others of a right to watching whales suffer. The 2013 movie documentary "Blackfish" was the beginning of the end as more people came to a realization, unlike the fuck Levin, that these Whales don't deserve this mental torture of confinement to small areas which makes them both neurotic and eccentric and a danger to all. the blonde pretty girls who were the daughters of elites will have to find another easy job and gig instead of playing with a big fish-eater all day and forcing them to jump in the air for some nibble. This sea World ending acts is a huge story ad shows what can happen when people stand up, organize, and take a stand against the injustices and unethical treatments of our fellow creature that mother earth created for us to share the planet. as far Mark Levin goes he can be a whale or big time Ivory hunter if he has a problem with some members in the humanity kingdom who want to see those in the animal kingdom treated with some dignity. a jagoff like him cares only for profit and if he had his way there would of been franchises of Sea World parks in every major city. Attendance has been dropping from people disgusted by the profit and containment of orca's and in reality Sea World is not going to change this and will continue to use captive dolphins for shows but at least for the time being they have initiated the change the public demanded regardless of the bought off media types of a Mark Levin.
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