Guy Baldwin
Should anyone be surprised that sportsmanship conduct is applied to a female soccer World Cup tournament filed with filth like Meghan Rapinoe. The butch lesbian and her butch teammates bashed Thailand 13-0 in a match that highlights global sports inequality as spoiled wannabee American women have much more resources to play and kick than their global counterparts and the US soccer women's team was condemned for their actions and love making after goals in a neurotic filled display of dominance in sports competition. Anyone watching this dog Meghan Rapinoe and others jump and get giddy about kicking the ass of a female soccer team form Thailand that basically can't compete with the spending and training these dykes get on the US soccer team were embarrassed by this display and the US female team justifiably received much criticism for their actions acting like this game was a World Cup final and the score was 2-1. These game usually suck and any talk that these women are deserving of pay for kicking balls around and demand to be paid as much as the men is a total joke and only a hack for this industry of female sports would agree with such complete asinine dialogue.
There is no competitive play in this stupid women's soccer and its existence stands as a display to money and wealth of a bunch of butches who don;t want to spend time and resources developing a family but ahhhh get their kicks hating on presidents,this nation,men, and now apparently women form Asian countries that fo not field as competitive soccer teams Women soccer exists to prop up the falsehood of gender equality and that women are equal to men and apparently acting like obnoxious men is the goal of the women's soccer team. Facts are in n the world of soccer women form developing nations are not even equal to the butch men playing "Womens" soccer. Meghan Tapino is likely a#Metoo wench wicked bitch form the East who sexually harasses more women than Harvey Weinstein and gets away with it because she is a famous anti-American hating bastard athlete.
I don't know. I don't watching this disgusting spectacle and maybe now days the American soccer club has an unfair advantage of fielding a squad made up of half its members being trans gendered. Meghan Rapino hates the national anthem and is a by product of identity politics and likely the reason I reckon the team scores so many goals is an excuse to grab each others fake balls and crotches like Trump and display female body gratification as the team is all lesbian and ahh trans gendered.
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