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What Kind of Butterfly Am I?

Digital Angel asks us "What Kind Of Butterfly Are You?" So I thought of shooting 2 birds in one stone.

I planned on doing my version of a "butterfly" look and use the 78pcs palette she gave me! Thanks again for the palette, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Here's my inspiration

Let me do a diagram first

Products Used ---

1. 78pcs Palette's Green (inner corner of the eye - up and down)

2. 78pcs Palette's Shimmery Yellow (middle area of the eye)

3. 78pcs Palette's Dark Brown (outer v, blend blend blend)

4. Shimmery white (sorry forgot to take a shot) - as highlighter
Not shown on diagram ---
  • Stila Smudgepots in Black
  • Paul & Joe Curly Mascara in Black

And here's my version of a "Green, Yellow and Brown" Butterfly

Side by Side comparison :)

I honestly enjoy doing inspiration looks!
I enjoyed using my 78pcs palette!
I want to thank my readers who have "Cyber Hugged" me!

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