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What is Interview Appropriate?

So this year is my first year out of University and this has meant attending a lot of interviews for different jobs so i am no stranger to what you should look like for an interview. I thought it was important to write this post because when i was younger and i had no interview experience i had no idea what was expected of me and what i needed to look like so i am going to use the interview knowledge i have obtained this year and share it with you to make it less of a daunting task.

Unfortunately interviews are inevitable and everyone has to have one at some point during their life, the most important thing to remember is to be yourself and try not to be too nervous. Obviously interviewers are aware it is scary situation as they have been in the same one but don't be so scared you can't show off yourself. Another thing which i always struggle with is that you have to big yourself up because essentially you are trying to sell yourself and your amazing work skills to the interviewer. The one thing that helps me feel more confident is knowing that i am looking my best, it gives me one less thing to worry about.

To feel confident i start by having bath the night before the interview, it helps me to feel spotlessly clean, leaves me smelling good and calms me down. We all get it where our minds keep us awake all night because we are scared or thinking about something too much and our minds won't switch off. A bath helps me to calm down and calms down my thoughts too. I am try to pick out the outfit i am going to wear because the worst would be trying to pick something in a rush in the morning. I have a trusty blazer which i always wear because it makes everything look smart and i feel comfortable in it. Feeling comfortable in what your wearing is massively important because you don't want to be worrying about heels that are too big or a skirt that doesn't quite look right. I would also say try to be a bit fashionable, whilst still looking smart and don't show too much skin.

The day of the interview i wake up and do my usual checking of the social medias and then i have a shower and start to get ready. I always straighten my hair so i do that because it is my usual style and when you interview the version of you they see is the version they want if they hire you. I also keep my make-up very natural and how i would usually have it. DO NOT go overbroad, no one wants to hire someone who looks like they are ready to go on a night out with the massive amount of make-up they have on their face. Keep everything light and natural. Also keep your nails looking nice, no one wants to see chipped horrible looking nail varnish either redo it if you have time or just keep your nails naked so it looks like you take care of yourself.

 As i said i think the most important thing to do during an interview is be yourself so the way you look should reflect this. There is no point completely changing yourself for an interview because they will expect that when you start working. A few more tips that i have been told would be not to wear too much perfume because if the person interviewing you don't like the smell and they have to sit there for half an hour smelling it they are going to like you less. Another key one is to research the place you are trying to work, even if your not that interested in the place and just want a job for money, make yourself seem interested and you will always be asked what you know about the company.

If you are reading this i am going to assume you are about to have an interview or you are dreading the time you actually have to have one. When i was younger the thought of one turned my stomach but now that i have done quite a few they seem like nothing to me. Don't get me wrong i still get nervous but not as much as i used to. I hope you will take comfort in the fact that everyone does them and i wish you good luck on any interviews you have whether its for a job or something else. If you have any questions about interviews please feel free to ask me and if you think i have missed out any tips put them in the comments.

SophaaRambles xx

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