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Review HEMA Dip & Clean Nail Polish Remover

Hi girls!
After the holiday season and all the headache I got from removing my glitter nail polish I decided to look for one of these dip nail polish removers to see if this would make it any easier. Here in the Netherlands I could find the Magic Nail Polish Remover by Bourjois (8 €) and the Dip & Clean Nail Polish Remover at HEMA (2,75 €) and decided for the latter.

It consists of a plastic tub/jar containing a sponge soaked in nail polish remover. The idea is that you stick your finger in it, wiggle a bit and in a couple of seconds you pull out your finger with a perfectly clean nail. And it works! 
In the video below I show you how I did it for one nail with regular nail polish on (base coat + 2x color + top coat).