Today is the birthday of the great
Kate Winslet. I celebrated her first day on Earth with
a post last year. And also last month, a mini Kateapalooza with
that video tribute. Tomorrow
Little Children opens to erase her
recent fumble in
All The Kings Men. Happy Birthday Kate! (More Kate well-wishing at
My New Plaid Pants)
Yesterday was
my Mom's birthday and though I gave her a big hug hours before leaving Detroit I actually forgot the significance of the day until I was already on the plane. I have a good excuse but still... sorry, Mom!

It's also the birthday of the very funny
Glynis Johns, that talented supporting player of yore (well not so yoreish actually --her last hoot-worthy playing was in the mid90s comedies
While You Were Sleeping and
The Ref . If you're still drawing a blank think of her Oscar nomination for
The Sundowners or Mrs. Winifred Banks in
Mary Poppins.
'Well done, Sister Suffragette!'And finally
Nicole Kidman starred in a movie called
Birthday Girl a few years back so I'm thinking about her as I'm writing this (although I already
celebrated her birthday in June). Who knew that I'd end up missing her after
bitching about her overexposure. So I'm happy to see
pictures of her at work again.
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