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Serpentza and other observers know the Chinese elephant power bio weapon is being studied and tested by the Chinese

  Chet Oliver

Animal Stories 

   The destructive power of a wild elephant herd is a potential new source of terror and biological weaponry as many are saying  the Chinese are or were testing a new animal bio warfare for a future planned conquest of Asia. Famed on-line troll and internet reporter Serpentza has been warning of neurotic and eccentric plans of warfare and releasing elephants onto territorial is right up the Chinese alley. The Chinese particularly plan of this elephant warfare in  and Vietnam in the near future as the Chinese have always been looking to harass and expand their power base through the centuries and the return of the elephant to organized warfare is an interesting topic of discussion and something the famed internet observer of China 

 Serpentza says for years the Chinese have been planning on a territorial Asian warfare and the recent testing of Elephants and their destructive power was seen as the Chiense unleashed a herd of elephants who traveled a five hundred mile radius   causing much more destruction tom peoples properties and habitats than a fucking F 5 tornado.

Serpentza walked through a mall and seemed worried that much of the world is not reporting  of these elephant experiments and warfare by the Communist Chinese who have bred Chinese bulls and beasts to herd together and travel in packs destroying  villages. crops,  and business.

The Chinese are perfection the art of the elephant to be used in local affairs and warfare taking advantage of the holy aspect of the elephant  in surrounding Asian nations that do not wish to bring about harm to these relatively peaceful animals but the experimentation of the tried Communist Chinese on elephants and making  them destructive in yet another sick and neurotic eccentric goal of the sick CCP fucks.
 These Elephants created to be wackos by the Chinese are more destructive than Black Lives Matter More supremacist and ANTIFA peaceful protesters in  America. Our own writer and video game lover and coder is already contacting potential investors for a Elephant rampage video game as Otto's dream of bring back eighties style and easy games and arcades is still a dream he hold s insisting if one buildings it and invest in it  they will come in a new era of video games aka like the eighties and the reason he reckons that there are no arcades is because the globalists insist in spreading  vaper and liquor stores for American Black and White communities to be owned byh Brown people. 


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