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Interview with Jeefry Rojas Torres, Mister International Venezuela 2011

"The Stunning Angels" presents Jeefry RojasMister International Venezuela 2011 in an exclusive interview session. Let us find out a little more about him...

1. What would your friends say to describe you?
My friends say I am a spiritual person, loving, respectful, supportive, protector and adviser.

2. In your own words, who is Jeefrey Rojas Torres?
Jeefry is a young man with clear goals and purposes who looks for becoming a better person thru my actions.

3. Tell us something that many people don't know about you.
It would be that I am a very sensitive person

4. Describe the town where you grew up?
Merida is a cold town located in the Venezuelan mountains, its people is very kind, they live very calmly (a difference with the people who lives in big cities) and they are very spiritual

5. Tell us about your family. What happened when you told them your desire to be Mister? Did they support you?
My family always respected my goals, they give me a lot of support, believe in me and they know that when I do something, I do it with my heart and with a positive purpose of progress and personal growth

6. Before participating in a Mister Venezuela Pageant, what did you do? And did you dream of becoming a Mister?
Before joining the pageant, I studied the 7th semester of Physical Education and belonged to the Venezuelan team of Coreographic Fitness. Since I was a kid I dreamed with my artistic projection and being a recognized model. I wanted to teach others in the future and being an example of healthy body and healthy mind

7. What were your reasons for joining the Mister Venezuela?
The reasons were basically learning. I felt it was going to be an unforgetable time of my life that now is giving me the chance to come to places I never dreamed to be. I know this has a cause in my life, not just a chance

8. What is your favorite part of your body & why?
My abdomen because I have being training it since I was a kid thru the exercises and it makes me feel sexy

9. What is your worst quality?
It would be that I am perfectionist...

10. Any beauty queens/kings that you really admire and who inspires you? Any idol in life? Why?
Yes, she is the former Miss Universe Stefania Fernandez who is from my hometown of Merida because she is a humble girl and although many people didn’t believe her she fought against it and made her goals

11. Tell us about your preparations for the 2011 Mr. International pageant.
My preparations include a lot of focus, training myself in mind and body as it would be the final night of the competition. I already arrived to Thailand to see a little of this wonderful country and trying to get over the jetlag... hehe

12. Which one do you think is your best quality for winning the title of Mister International?
I think the best quality a Mister International winner should have is being compromised to project his essence and his example of how a titleholder should be, and not just being someone who win for only to succeed but someone who can work in international projects thru giving messages to the youngsters and also thru charity foundations so we can recover some principles some people have missed

13. Have you already seen the photos of the other candidates? Which one do you think are your strongest rivals?
Yes, I have seen some of them. I think all of my fellow contestants are strong ones and that this would be a very competitive competition because I know everyone of us will shine with their own internal light

14. If you don’t win Mister International 2011, what are your plans for the future?
If I don’t win Mister International and would continue with my own foundation I created 4 years ago, I would finish my studies and doing my wished master in Sport Medicine, and also I hope to continue representing my country at Fitness competitions internationally and to enjoy my beautiful family

15. What's your special message to your fans & supporters?
I would like to thank all the support they have given to me and I appreciate their acceptation and the fact they have perceive who I am. I send all of you guys a huge hug, many kisses to the ladies and I will continue fighting to get this title, not only for me, but for all of you who have believed in me.

Thank you very much Jeefry for this interview, thank you for sharing with us, The Stunning Angels wish you good luck and success in The 2011 Mister International pageant


Interviewed by Ratna Kurnia 

Photos courtesy:
 All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

Special thanks to 
Jeefrey Rojas Torres, Mister International Venezuela

Published by thestunningangels.blogspot.com on December 16th, 2011 

PS: I apologize if there are errors in the writing of the title, name, etc.

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