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Erin Mayer and her cultural map looks at how best to cater to the global corrupt manager class

Carl Olsen
   Erin Mayer believes cross-cultural knowledge is important for a global business order and her book called "The Culture Map" is a piece of art of how business world requires knowledge of other cultures not of your own. This is basically what globalization wishes to achieve getting people to lose their cultural uniqueness and acquiring those of others and if you don't Erin Mayer says you and your company will never adapt to the future and new reality and parameters set by global business. Erin Mayer and the other advocated of countless cultural acceptance tried to explain situations encountered by many others and the difficulties of breaking through barriers and perceived notions in order to get business more efficient. Image result for erin mayer author Erin speaks to business and has presentations and speaks often how different cultures perceive persuasion and the importance of how others perceive non-verbal communication in their diverse cultures. This book talks about how certain cultures are different and Erin was on globalist advocate Fareed Zakaria's CNN fake news program and talked about how Americans give too much feedback to group meetings. Erin Mayer and other global business advocates have found a nice niche of inclusion for themselves and their interpretations through forced global trade networks of the elite classes whose business travels often equate to pleasure and expenditure and waste more than actual important deal making business. Erin also talks about cultural mundanes such as eating food and how this is and is not acceptable for some countries and as an acceptable business practice during meeting.
What Erin should write in her books is the management and executive class needs to be felt and catered to at all fronts to justify each others financial tribute in global business and in which in financial terrorism for the masses who don't take jets frequent for global travel. The capricious pandering to the unique cultures of these  global corrupt class is what Erin Mayer's book is all about and how best to get their wastrel business deals that benefit both business parties but not in particular any outside group or government.  this book is a bore and just another obvious expectation of letting other cultures bring their norms in western cultures and business practices to be shaped by former subjects and blending their practices and beliefs into global culture because of their monetary power and population growth.

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