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Bonding ? Schmonding !

More views of - or before - Cambridge Film Festival 2012
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9 March

Time for a rant - a rantlet, for lack of time...

Yes, I am happy to originate a term, but I will not adopt one that makes no connection with - no sense to - me, such as male bonding:

1. 'Bonding' was what superglue was supposed to do, when one bought an expensive, fiddly little tube of stuff that did precious little for one's sanity, when it went everywhere but the target, made one fear for sticking one's fingers together for eternity, and ultimately stuck nothing to nothing.

2. Moreover, there is no such thing - as far as I am aware - as female bonding, so the implication is that men are just useless at opening up to each other on any real or emotional level, and need special sessions.

3. There's the Pratter hashtag (God knows why they are called that !) #EverydaySexism - is referring to 'male bonding' that ? Yes, just like man flu, it is.

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