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Tea Tree Oil Hand Cleansing Gel by The Body Shop

Hand sanitizer is everywhere now, with so many brands and product you'll definitely have a hard time choosing just one. My recommendation is trial and error which is suitable for your daily use and need. Many pros and cons regarding hand sanitizer too, the one that contain high alcohol can be dangerous, especially for kids, while the one that have other benefit such as vit E, moisturizing effect can sometime be 'bogus'. So you really need to see quality behind the producer and manufacturer.

Me, personally, I use The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Hand Cleansing Gel. I hope soon in Indonesia the range of Satsuma, Strawberry, Grapefruit (etc) hand cleansing gel is available here. Why I use TBS Tea Tree Oil Hand Cleansing Gel first is for the assurance of using natural product for the anti bacterial effect called tea tree oil. I put them on my hands and my whole family, rub it until dry like anytime of the day. Especially handy in the car, so I just put it in my car for like, hellooooo, there's no toilet there, and Jakarta is famous for having traffic jam, hygiene is highly needed for snack or just about anything.

I also use it for other use as in for toilet business. I just can't imagine sitting down on a toilet that have been sat on by hundred to thousands other (I_I) I know, eye opener isn't it?! And no guarantee anyone maintain a good personal hygiene. So I pour this gel and wipe it with tissue all over the area needed ( for my butt) hey, if you feel it's a waste go get something cheaper for this one, with higher alcohol ^_^ Yes, I am a hygiene freak, try living with me and almost every hour I told you to wash your hands (not joking).

Well, hygiene is crucial for me, I don't like touching my face with dirty hands too, that's why I use hand sanitizer too. Indeed washing your hands with soap and clean water is better but they're not always around.

Review regarding TBS Tea Tree Oil Cleansing Gel: The strong smell of tea tree oil, delicate on hands with a mild feeling of silkiness. If you have wet palms like I do you feel a bit slippery but it goes down quite soon. I also use it for a mild skin discomfort like bug bites or minor scratch. A bit sting to use it on wound (duh!).

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