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How to maintain body temperature?

Do you want tips to maintain body temperature? Here I have given some tips to maintain body temperature. Body temperature is responsible for your body to feel fresh. If the body temperature is maintained within the level, it will improve your immunity level. When the body temperature level increases we feel feverish. Fever may last for several days and it may lead to any other harmful diseases.

The normal body temperature of human being is 37◦ C. If this level is increased or decreased it may lead to any destructive effect. When the body temperature increased then certain diseases like jaundice, ulcer, chicken pox, heat bubbles can occur. You should maintain your body temperature within the normal level mentioned above to avoid pimples, marks etc. When your body temperature increases then that condition is called as hyperthermia. On the other hand, when your body temperature drops below the normal value, then that condition is called as hypothermia. Both of the above conditions can be critical if your normal body temperature is not controlled immediately. Read the below tips to maintain your body temperature.

Tips to maintain body temperature

Nutritional diet
·         You should consume balanced nutritional food which will maintain your body temperature in normal range.
·         Nutritional foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy products such as curd, butter, cheese, milk, tender coconut, red banana and ice creams.
·         You should consume liquid foods like fruit juices and milk shakes to reduce body temperature.
·         You can consume chicken and meat when your body temperature drops below the normal level.

·         You should do exercise for at least 20 minutes a day which will help you to maintain your body temperature
·         The fact is when you do exercise your body temperature increases and then it will get reduced.
·         Sweat makes your body to become cool and it removes all the impurities present in your body. It removes the dead cells present in your body and improves the immunity power.
·         You can do meditation and yoga. Meditation makes your mind to feel free. Yoga maintains your body strength and it regulates your immune system.

·         Water is the best medicine which will helps your body to maintain temperature in normal range.
·         You should drink more than 2 litres of water every day. It will maintain your body to be in cool condition
·         Water regulates your circulatory system and digestive system.
·         You should not allow your throat to become dry. It may lead to jaundice and ulcer. If you feel acidity you should drink more water.
·         You can drink water in other forms like butter milk, juice and milk shakes.

·         You can use moisturisers to maintain your skin in a cool condition. If your body temperature is increased your skin tone will be changed.
·         You should apply coconut oil in your hair daily. Coconut oil removes heat present in the scalp and it prevents the brain from over heat.
·         You should wash your hair at least thrice a week. Apply gingely oil or coconut oil in your hair, massage for 20 minutes and then wash your hair. When you wash your hair with oil it will helps you to reduce over heat from your body. 

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