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A Little Late... May Luxe Box!

A little late, but better than never!

Hi everyone! So during the period i was in hong kong, several packages came in the mail for me! *yay* i absolutely LOVE coming home to packages so you can imagine how excited i was to get 3! :D Well, the first one i got was my May LuxeBox from Loose Button :) Read on to see what I got this month!

May Luxe Box :) 
New Design! Loveee the pink! <3

A lovely message and a Hershey kiss xoxo

I just love the little extra thought and effort Loose Button puts into their boxes! Seriously, although its not JUST the little things that count (im not sacrificing good samples for little design details!) BUT, it absolutely helps and Loose Button does a wonderful job of making a good impression! <3

My May Goodies!

A little description of each so i know what it is and how to use it :)
dermalogica daily microfoliant
i have heard many rave reviews of this brand and am excited to finally get to test out one of their products! especially a microfoliant! my skin can get dull sometimes due to stress and little sleep, therefore these things are a blessing! As well, i am VERY interested in the "rice based enzyme powder" as i have always wanted to buy a rice scrub due to its many positive effects.
China Glaze polish in Sexy Lady
Oh Loose Button, how did you know i LOVE pink polishes!! <3 hehe and china glaze too? you have outdone yourself! I dont think i need to say much on this one, china glaze polishes are simply wonderful :) (p.s. i'd totally swatch this for you guys, but i just did my nails for my convocation tmr.. so the swatch will have to come later! sorry!)

Consonant Body Organic Body Soap
I dont remember the last time i used soap.... BAR soap that is! but this one's got me interested and willing to try again! its got all natural organic ingredients and well, something about the smell kind of gets me too.. its not exactly a scent i imagine everyone liking.. its not floral or anything, but well really smells kind of like olive oil and beeswax! This also comes with a loofah slice which i was told to "re-hydrate and rest my soap on it between uses". we'll see how i like this soon!

Elizabeth Grant Biocolasis Complex Day Serum
When i first saw this, i immediately thought i wouldnt be able to put it to use because "cellular age defense" seemed to target those slightly older than i.. but reading the little info card included in my luxebox (i LOVE that thing!) i realized that it was suitable for all ages and has lots of vitamins and other good stuff that can help my skin stay looking young and healthy! no way am i passing that up! :D once again, results to come lol


So, that was my May LuxeBox! How do i feel?
Much better! although to be honest, there isnt any spectacular increase in the amount of makeup samples. I just feel that the products provided this last month, was much more well suited for me and more general overall. I am definitely liking the nail polish! you really cant go wrong with that... (unless there are some colors that some people just dont like at all) and the rest of the products i am very interested in trying!
I think the biggest satisfaction i get from this luxebox, (besides getting lovely deluxe samples and a hershey's kiss!) is that i dont have to break up and switch out any of my normal skincare routine in order to test these out.  I've stopped using my clarisonic during the period of time i was gone, so introducing an exfoliant now is perfect timing! Plus, an extra serum wont do me no harm if its packed with so many goodies! and the soap? well, thats not really going to change much either :) 

so overall, i'm super happy with this month's LuxeBox and i cant wait for the next to come! Even better news, is that since Canada Post has some problems right now, my June LuxeBox has already shipped! YAY! :D and i promise this time, i wont be late in reviewing it ;) hehe take care! xoxo

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